Volume 1 of the children's book series SPACE TOM - THE BEST MOVES

Hello, friends,

welcome back to the SPACE TOM space blog! Today, I'm not going to talk to all of you together, but to each of you individually, which means directly to you - my awesome friend and directly to you - my awesome friend.

Today I'll take you through the magical world of the children's book SPACE TOM - THE BEST MOVES. If you already have the book open, you are on your way to adventure, fun and knowledge and you don't have to read any further because the whole even more detailed text is right in front of you. And if you don't have it yet, don't worry, after reading this article you'll know exactly what's in store for you when you open it!

Left pages - stories and exercises

On the pages on the left you'll find stories that I've experienced myself. They capture my adventures, experiences, and various sporting activities. These activities will not only help you improve your physical condition, but also cheer you up and energise you. If you exercise and play sports with me, you will soon be in the best shape - healthier, stronger and happier. What more could you ask for?

And you know what? On the left side you will always find a simple exercise with a detailed description of how to do it. But remember - everyone has their own imagination, so you don't have to do the exercise exactly as instructed. For example, if you're jumping, you can do it your way, or imagine you're Superman and you're trying out new cool moves. The main thing is to enjoy the exercise and have fun with the movement.

Plus, some of the exercises will transport you to stories about my animal friends, like the Tasmanian tiger or the golden frog. These animals live only on my beautiful planet Eunemio anymore. And if you want to know more, be sure to read the other stories.

The right pages - challenges and creativity

The right page is the place for your imagination. There you'll find colouring pages, assignments, quizzes, a diary or space for your own stories. The SPACE TOM - THE BEST MOVES book is made so that everyone can do whatever they want in it! Everyone can create an original book full of their own ideas.

If you have a challenge and want to check the correct answer, you will find that in the book too. But beware! Do all the tasks first - then check the answers. Playing by the rules is very important in all sports and non-sports games.

And now one special thing! In the book you will find a unique page created just for you. It's your reward for completing the tasks carefully. However, this reward is only after you have completed all the tasks completely.

You promise me, don't you?

So what do you say? Are you ready for adventure? Remember, you can't stop the adventure - so open the book and dive into the world of SPACE TOM - THE BEST MOVES!

Good bye, Yours Tom the Tiger